Montpellier Diabetes Day

Welcome to the 3rd Montpellier Diabetes Day


The « Montpellier Diabetes Day » international meeting will be held on November 15th 2019. This meeting, organized around four lectures given by four international renowned experts (researchers and/or clinicians from USA/Canada, Europe, Region/Montpellier), will focus on a common subject : the islet of Langerhans in diabetes. The conference sessions will focus on the interplay between clinical and basic research.

To promote collaborations and scientific discussions, a poster-presentation/flash talk session by students, post-doctorates and young scientists will also be organized.

 For the 3rd « Montpellier Diabetes Day » meeting, the scientific program committee has put together outstanding speakers among Pr Pierre Gourdy, Pr François Pattou, Pr Guy Rutter, Pr Vincent Poitout.

The registration is free but mandatory before November 5th 2019.
Abstracts for posters/flash talks must be submitted before October 28th 2019.

We look forward to welcoming you for the next « Montpellier Diabetes Day » meeting in November 2019 !

 The organizing committee


Program 2019



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